Blank Slates

Ever so often, I crave new beginnings - blank slates to fill, and new places to call my own.

The past three years on Dayre have been fulfilling. I've recorded my time in culinary school extensively; documented adventures in Bangkok, Europe, Tokyo, and Shanghai; and opened up my personal and professional life to a few thousand people. It was fun, and I am grateful that Dayre gave me the wondrous gift of fuss-free, on-the-go updating. But as with most things I'm involved in, I get bored and restless. 

So here I am... exchanging the convenience of mobile blogging with something more traditional. I hope this will give me the space I need to be able to think, reflect, and write more coherently. Of course I do hope to one day gain the same sort of 'fame' (if you can even call it that) as I have enjoyed on Dayre. But even if I don't, it's okay. I will revel in being more anonymous for now and having greater liberty in expressing my thoughts. 

(Oh and the joy of not having to read unsolicited comments!! That is definitely one great perk.)

Till the next post, my (non-existent) web friends :)


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